about me

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

wedding wednesday: a magical moment

I had planned a different post for today's wedding wednesday but then I just came across this pin {a.k.a. on pinterest, for those of you not yet in the know!} and couldn't help but share:
magical, right?

*amazing photography by the husband & wife dream team belle and beau {via}

Sunday, October 2, 2011

pretty pictures: marion cotillard in elle france

This Sunday evening I've decided to share a fun fact about me: I think Marion Cotillard is this generation's Audrey Hepburn.  I know that this sought after statement has been claimed about many different actresses but I just feel it's MC.  Why?  Because she is not just classically beautiful but also perfectly quirky.  She is intelligent, talented, witty, endearing beyond words.  Perhaps saying she is our Audrey is too much because Audrey is too unique to be replicated (although some very talented models/stylists/photographers have done a decent job trying to capture her essence - exhibit A); regardless, Marion is timeless.  I just love her.  And I just love her in this editorial from the August Elle France :

happy, energetic, quirky, natural, all-in-all lovely.
*beautiful photographs by Matt Jones; via FGR

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

etc: read this to yourself

repeat after me...

hilarious words of wisdom/pep talk in poster form, backstage at michael kors spring 2012 runway show.  meant for the models about to walk, but whateves, i'm gonna use it as my personal mantra today.  and every day most likely.  such a good reminder - be strong, sexy, and have fun!

found on nina garcia's tumblr

Friday, September 23, 2011

friday faves: 9.23.11

helloooooo new format!!  i decided that friday faves should also be the friday FIVE.  so each friday i will highlight FIVE things i've loved.  just an idea - we'll see how it works out!  {but i'm going to keep the title friday faves, for continuity}
here it goes!
notes on the friday faves
1. DIY ruler-mirror frame - simple but awesome!  directions on design*sponge
2. hot pink grandfather clock painted on a door?  yes, please! via the office stylist
3. a field of balloons! as seen in montreal, where a field of 500 balloons went up for the "musée des possibles" or "museum of possibilities."  simply awesome.  see more pictures and an awesome video here.  {discovered on the blog happiness is...}
 4. absolutely killer outfit as worn by emma roberts at the marchesa fashion show in NY.  {note: dress designer unknown - everything i've found just calls it a "prom dress."  frustrating!} image credits --on left: from celebuzz; on right: from street fashion blog, first found on this pinterest board
5. an underwater park, complete with underwater bench!  oh boy, time to head out to green lake in tragoess, austria and experience it for myself!  apparently this is a usually a normal dry park in a valley next to snowy mountains.  but then when it begins to warm, all the snow melts and it is transformed into an underwater park.  seriously, time to go see it for myself!  found on the blog express-o where you can read more and take a video tour of the park.

p.s. all of these images, and much much more, can be found on my pinterest page.  and if you have a pinterest of your own, let me know!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

wedding wednesday: waiting by the window

i really can't stop looking at this photograph, it fits in so well with the other "waiting by the window" images i've loved before [exhibits a, b, c].  but this is a real bride, on her real wedding day, looking just as amazing standing in front of a window as all those professional models --
i mean, really, does it get any better than this?!  perfect pose, perfect dress (that train! that bow!), perfect simple chignon, but mostly - a simply perfect photograph.  
in one word : perfection

*bride erin cooper ratliff, photographed by rob ingram
from the website of the gown's designer, heidi elnora
first found on this pinterest board

Friday, September 16, 2011

friday faves: 9.16.11 - pinterest

where did this past week go?  maybe it's just me, but it seems like just yesterday i was putting together a little list of faves to share but really it was a full seven days ago.  my own week has been filled with oodles of conflicts and challenges and cranky moments - but nothing i can't handle!  oh yes, bring it on, world!

unfortunately, i don't quite have time for a full friday faves post so i decided the best idea would be to direct you lovelies towards my pinterest page for tons and tons of beautiful and inspiring images.  {pssst - don't have pinterest yet?  let me know and i'll send you an invite!  because it's basically the greatest thing since sliced bread.  if sliced bread inhibited all forms of productive activity.}  i spend a tad too much time on pinterest, largely because of the handy iPad app, but this results in me having some absolutely gorgeous pins.  so poke around, enjoy, and if you have a page of your own - please let me know!  i'm always looking for new inspiration boards to follow :)

just one pretty picture to get you started ~

happy weekend!
xx, kait

*photo found on this pinterest board, originally posted to the tumblr tiny white daisies

Thursday, September 15, 2011

wedding wednesday: gimme s'more!

well... wedding thursday to be exact.  yesterday was my man's birthday so between preparing a unique (and cost free! -- he didn't want me spending any money.  helloooo challenge!) surprise for him, a full day of training new associates at work, and family dinner, i just didn't have time to put together a post.  i'm still getting used to this new life of mine and have yet to find a good way to find time and energy for blogging.  so until i get there, thank you all for being so patient with me!

but on to this *thursday* wedding feature!  i decided to highlight a fun treat for weddings - s'mores.  yup, smores instead of cake!  or... in addition to cake?  that would be my wedding at least!  there are some seriously cool s'mores tables at weddings these days and although i have yet to enjoy one for myself, i still love seeing this fun and unique treat pop up on my wedding style blogs.  because, really, who doesn't love s'mores?!


just so fun!

Friday, September 9, 2011

friday faves: 9.9.11

it's been a crazy work week and is not ending for me today (ahhh the fun world of retail), but i wish you all a lovely and relaxing weekend!  as for friday faves, i have a couple pretties to share today, hope you like them as much as i do ~


ampersand at the table
love, love ampersands as decor but rarely do i see any incorporated in a kitchen/dining area.  but this little space, found in chicago home + garden, is just adorable and the big black ampersand is a perfect addition.  {p.s. see the table? it's really an old door and sawhorses. so cool!}

a yellow & gray room
... that is just beginning to take shape!  it's the bedroom of my dear [and ADORABLE!] friend, joella, who just moved to a new apartment and is in the process of painting and decorating her room with a yellow & gray color scheme.  she's on a major budget but also happens to be majorly creative so i can't wait to see how it turns out!  haven't seen it in person yet but i hope to visit soon.  until, thank goodness she has a blog! [which you should all check out because she is super sweet and funny]

words to live by
stick to this simple fact & you will never go out of style!
found on this pinterest board


movie posters
for two of my fave movies, by the art of adam juresko.  fun, funky, and all-in-all perfect.  found on the blog, purple deer

a random note
for those of you not in the know (a.k.a. not in iowa), tomorrow is the big IOWA-IOWA STATE game.  whoo hoo!  everyone is throwing on their tee shirts and grabbing their beer koozies and heading out to ames - or the local bar - to support their team.  as a new iowa resident, i was super excited to take part in this.  i'm used to BEARS-PACKERS and CUBS-SOX but never cared too much about college football.  of course, when i was in college near iowa city and spending a lot of time there, i rooted for the hawkeyes because it was fun and i loved the camaraderie.  but with the risk of sounding like a fair weather fan, this year i'll be switching over to the cyclone side.  [note: if you know anything about college football you will know this is not a typical "fair weather fan" situation - iowa state is not exactly known for their football team, especially as compared to university of iowa]  this is my man friend's alma mater so i figured it was a nice gesture.  considering i don't really care and all.  (it's not like he would ever have the audacity to try and tear be away from the monsters of the midway over to the cowboys...)  unfortunately, i'll be missing the actual game this year because there is a big event going on at my store and i have to work.  boooooo!  but for any iowans out there, i hope you enjoy the big game!!

and to everyone else,
you have a great weekend as well!

xx, kait

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

wedding wednesday: ruffled gowns

remember last week when i did my wedding wednesday post about the new ruffled shop's hair accessories?  [if no, go ahead and refresh you memory here, and completely fall in love with this vintage inspired pieces]  well, as promised, here are some of the gorgeous dresses currently highlighted in the shop :

daryl gown, the gorgeous gown with a simple boat neck top and poofy polka dot tulle skirt - my love for polka dot tulle continues! [exhibits a, b]
(so far) the only full-length dress in the collection, the cassy vintage ballgown
  and my fave, the bonnie gown.  love the sweetheart neckline!  and although i'm partial to organza skirts, this particular dress can also be made with polka dot tulle.  guess that's the IT material for bridal gowns these days!

those are just three but see the rest here [you can also get petticoats!]

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

design: a soft & sweet kitchen

kitchen design has been on my mind a lot lately.  maybe it's the design star "dream kitchen makeover" episode from a few weeks back, maybe it's the fact that the kitchen in my own home needs to be completely redone.  whatever it is, i keep finding myself stopping and examining kitchens.  i know that for my own kitchen it will be a lot of function over fashion (moving around the oddly placed cabinets, purchasing all new stainless steel appliances, knocking down a wall to create a tall breakfast seating where there is currently a bit of wasteful hallway space... whew, that's a lot of work!) but it will be pretty nonetheless.

so then i saw this super pretty kitchen designed by jonathan rosen and fell in love.  it's a tad too feminine for our home but i'm still obsessed --

what draws me in 
- crisp clean lines
- yet still inviting and relaxed
- consistently white, blue, & pink 
- {even in all the little touches; i.e. pottery}
- glass cupboards to show off said pretty dishes!
- stainless steel appliances & knobs
- set-up makes it perfect for family snacking/hang out
- nice & long lighting fixture over seating

it may not be the kitchen for us, but it is beautiful nonetheless

*this kitchen was found in house beautiful {2006} and then posted last week on one of my all-time fave blogs, house of turquoise.  i HIGHLY recommend you head on over to see the whole beautiful home - especially the living room!

hope everyone had a great labor day weekend & enjoys this four day work week!

Friday, September 2, 2011

friday faves: 9.2.11

ohhh my sweet friday faves feature, i have such a love/hate affair with you!  really, i LOVE these posts!  i love to highlight some of my fave things i've seen over the past week (or even longer) without putting together a "full post."  i love starting the weekend with some beautiful, inspiring images.  i love spreading the word about giveaways!  love, love.  so what is the "hate" bit?  i hate how i have not had the time or energy to do this feature regularly.  i hate how sometimes i even dread writing a post because it usually takes me significantly longer as i am such a perfectionist.  i hate how terrible i have been the past couple months at regular friday faves posts.  UGH.

so i've decided to take some of the pressure off myself.  i've been pretty good at consistency with the wedding wednesday feature so i guess i can be a little more lax with friday faves.  right?!  let's hope so.  i'll post when the inspiration strikes and schedule permits.  and hopefully you will enjoy what i share!  and without further ado, a few faves from the last few days of august ::


comfy-cozy attic nook
want.this.space.  i want the chandelier, the white chest, the location -- the whole nook.  and we all know how i feel about nooks!  {via belle vivre}


a mint & rose outfit
as put together by lana over at lanalou style.  want it all... especially that dress!


oscar de la renta ad campaign
came across this ad on one of my fave catch-all blogs, a spot of whimsy, and fell in love.  i have a little experience doing ad/marketing campaigns and understand how important an ad can be.  all you have is a picture.  one image and some text to show your brand and product.  but ODLR knocked it out of the ballpark with this ad for their new campaign.  i mean, who doesn't want to be an oscar's girl?!

personalized embosser for books
do i really need to explain why this is so stinkin' incredible?!  i'm pretty sure i need it...
{found on be merry, kate}

enjoy your labor day weekend!
xx, kait

p.s.  i'm actually at the lake right now on a full four day weekend of relaxation and fun so this post was written yesterday and scheduled for today.  i hate doing this and only do it once in a blue moon.  forgive me?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

wedding wednesday: ruffled hair accessories

ruffled blog is an all-time fave wedding inspiration site, full of beauty and whimsy.  but what i realized just the other day is that the blog's new shop also has some seriously amazing hair fascinators.  here are my four faves --

hair adornments by tessa kim.  head on over to her site to see many many more pretty pieces!

so excited for this new ruffled shop and expect a post on some of their incredible vintage-inspired dresses for next week's wedding wednesday!

shop: 1. blush pink flowers; 2. garden rose; 3. rhinestone headband; 4. vintage bridal cap

Saturday, August 27, 2011

pretty pictures: in vogue germany june 2011

while the boy is off in the basement discussing things with the electrician, i thought i'd sneak away for a minute to share with you this gorgeous editorial.

i have a true soft spot for photo shoots that expose the "behind the scenes" aspect of a photo shoot.  even though we know that the whole thing is actually perfectly styled, it's still fun to think that we are watching these beautiful models pose and prepare.  it's as if we have found them in an intimate moment, meant to be hidden from the camera but still somehow captured...

{i especially love the shots in black & white!}

models karolina kurkova & archie drury, photographed by alexi lubomirski
via oh fashion model

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

wedding wednesday: chic charlotte wedding

the whole design of this wedding - from the dresses to the dance floor - is to die for.  just so, soo chic.  deep gray bridesmaids dresses, black and white and soft pink, bling without being too gaudy... classic & classy yet still modern.  aka, perfection.  hop on over to style me pretty for all the stunning details but here i just want to share some beautiful photographs of the little touches that make a huge event really stand out :

it's all about the details in this wedding!  
then again, the bride & groom's happiness in this photo has to be the highlight of it all:

beautiful images by kristin vining photography

Monday, August 22, 2011

celeb style: kiernan skipka's chic LWD

image lately i've been trying to rock the LWD - little white dress.  i have two main ones and they both have virtually the same silhouette, 50's-esque with a form-fitting bodice and a-line skirt, with some sort of texture or subtle pattern throughout.  guess i have a very predictable style!  i love these two LWDs but would also love one with a little more flair - some touch of color or a more unique silhouette... and then i saw the precociously chic kiernan skipka at "glee: the 3D concert movie" LA premiere :

girl is ROCKING this!  and although i'm usually a big belt supporter, i love its omission here.  ohh kiernan, how are you so stinkin' adorable?!

via red carpet fashion awards

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

wedding wednesday: an iowa affair

man oh man am i a terrible blogger - no posts in well over a week, and after i promised to be better!  ohhh buddy... seriously gotta get back in the game.  problem is that God keeps throwing out curveballs and my life keeps on changing drastically.  one of these newest changes, i moved to iowa.  wha-wha-what?!  yup, bye-bye chicago, hellooooo des moines!  potentially a bizarre move - at least that's what virtually everyone keeps telling me - but i have my reasons and couldn't be happier.  [*note: these reasons will be explained when i FINALLY start up my second blog in the hopefully near future!]  so i figured it would be appropriate to share pics from a fun iowa wedding for this week's wedding wednesday, the first in longer than i would like to admit...

but without further ado, one of the sweetest wedding dresses i've ever seen, and on such a pretty & happy bride ::

happiest couple!

just check out that dress!

detail shot

seriously happiest bride ~ and love love those twinkle lights in the background

one last pretty picture of the loving couple 

iowa sure has some cute, happy, & chic people!  

dress by henry roth, a designer i now need to research extensively~
all beautiful photos shot by gina zeidler
found on ruffled blog

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

a personal post: two-four

birthday time! 2 - 4.  twenty four!  as of yesterday, actually.  2 + 4 = 8.  8 = birthday month & date.  result = 24 will be a great (rhymes with 8) year.  --that's my type of math.  weird, yes, but makes sense in my mind!

despite the poor grammar, i love love love this e-card sent to me by my lovely ex-assistant, stephanie

feeling pretty good about this year - have a lot of goals and aspirations and big changes coming my way so it should at least be quite the ride.

one of those goals/aspirations/changes is a SECOND BLOG!  i've mentioned it here a few times, and debated if i should start a new bloggy blog or just include "more serious" posts right here.  welp, i decided to go with new blog because i really like organization and would like to organize my thoughts into two different places: pretty things that catch my eye and inspire me; and random thoughts and musings that are slightly more personal or potentially serious.  i used to write all the time but put it on the back burner as my life got more hectic and "adult."  journaling used to be my favorite hobby - the best therapy, the best use of pent up creativity, the best outlet for expression.  so why the heck did i stop?!  because life got in the way.  isn't that how it always is? : when there is actually something to write about, we are too busy with that something to write at all.  pathetic irony. so moral of the story is i'm stopping that cycle of a writing-free life and starting up again.  who knows how often i will post and who knows what i will be writing about - really whatever is on my mind grapes.  but i have a feeling it will be just fabulous! 

*look forward to the "big launch" tomorrow & hopefully will see you over on blog #2!

just found on this on one of my fave sites, so obviously had to add it to my birthday post!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

pretty pictures: mia wasikowska in harper's bazaar australia

note: OK before i get to the super pretty pictures, i'd like to sincerely apologize for the weeks of being completely M.I.A. [side note: i was M.I.A.  now i'm doing a post on the beautiful MIA wasikowska.  because not only is she beautiful but also because i am a sucker for a punny pun!]  but back to the missing blogger.  my life has been in a completely state of flux.  and although this is a prime time for documenting pretty things, there has been one major conflict in doing so : i've been sick.  yes, that is my über glamorous excuse.  i have been bed-ridden and without internet for over a week.  before this i was traveling.  so basically, no computer/internet time.  no blogging time.  except i had all the time in the world while stuck in bed - miserable, miserable irony.

but i'm back.... i hope.  i'm posting now because i can and because i am just so apologetic for the absence and just so lonely without the blogosphere [oh dear, did i just admit that?!].  but i can't really commit to being "back" fully.  with all going on, and with this ridonculous health junk, "commitment" is not really a word in my current vocabulary.  but i promise, promise, promise to try my bestest to keep the pretty things coming!  so please keep the sweet comments coming.  i can't stress how much i love them :)

as for the gorgeous photo shoot i can't wait to post...

here is pixie-perfect actress mia wasikowska, photographed by will davidson for this month's harper's bazaar australia.

and one last perfect picture, the lovely mia up close & personal - within minimal makeup no less

i hope to be writing a lot more in the coming days and weeks - most posts on beautiful things in the world, and perhaps a new second blog filled with my eclectic thoughts and musings.  just something to satisfy that need to write and overcome that fear of sharing my writings.  we'll see...

scanned by dustjacket attic